Mike Moscariello
Director - Presented by John Hart
Mike has been umpiring with USSSA for the last 15 years. He believes softball is a great game because it can be played by men and women, boys and girls, young and old, and the good and not so good. As he gets older, softball becomes less about winning and losing and more about relation-ships, friendships, people, places and fun.
Mike was selected to umpire the 2000 and 2001 Women’s A World Series. He is one of only two umpires to be selected to call consecutive Women’s A World Series. In 2003, he was selected to umpire the Women’s B & C World Series in Orlando. He was humbled and honored to be selected as the home plate umpire for the finals for that tournament. He felt a tremen-dous amount of pride when he took the field for the finals. Not only was he representing USSSA, his crewmembers and himself, he was representing USSSA Massachusetts and the Northeast Region.
Some of the tournaments Mike has umpired include:
NE Men’s & Women’s Divisional:
1994 Men's D
1995 Men's B
1996 Women's B
1997-1999 Women's B&C
2002-2003 Women's B&C
Men's A&B Vernon, CT
Men's & Women's B Providence, RI
Women's A&B Laurel, MD
World Series:
2000-2001 Women's A
2003 Women's B&C
1994 Men's C States
1995 Men's B States
1996-1999 Women's B&C States
2000-2003 Women's New England States
Contact Information
New England United States Specialty Sports
Association Hall of Fame
c/o Ginny Trainor
Email: gtusssa@comcast.net
Phone: (617) 594-8322
Mailing Address:
28 Baker Terrace
Marshfield, MA 02050