Paul Carchedi
Director - Presented by John Pond
Paul has spent his entire adult life playing, coaching, umpiring, and direct-ing the sport of slo-pitch softball. To Paul, the statement “Softball is Life” has true meaning because he met his wife, his closest friend and has experienced some of his best moments because of his association with the sport of softball.
Paul’s contributions to the USSSA program are:
1992-1993 Metro-West Assistant Area UIC
1994-1998 Metro-West Area Director
1995-2000 Assistant State Director- Massachusetts
2001-2003 Bridgewater/Taunton Area Director
2001-2003 Massachusetts State Director
2002-2003 Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont State Director
2004 Rhode Island State Director
1997-2001 Tournament Co-Director, NIT Men’s B, C & D
2002-2003 Tournament Director, NIT Men’s B, C, & D
1993-2003 Tournament Co-Director, Northeast Divisionals Men’s and Women’s B, C, & D
2002-2003 Tournament Director, New England Men’s E Regional
1995-2000 Tournament Co-Director, Massachusetts Men’s B, C, & D States
2001-2003 Tournament Director, Mass. Men’s B, C & D States
2002-2003 Tournament Director, New England Men’s E Regional
2003 Tournament Co-Director, Massachusetts Men’s B, C, & D States Tournament Director, Mass. Men’s B, C & D States
2002-2003 Tournament Director, Mass. Men’s E States
2003 Tournament Co-Director, Men’s E Worlds, Disney Complex, Orlando, Florida
1992 State Director’s Award
1997 State Director’s Award
2001 Northeast Division Director of the Year Award
2002 USSSA Dwight Hall Sparkplug of the Year
Contact Information
New England United States Specialty Sports
Association Hall of Fame
c/o Ginny Trainor
Phone: (617) 594-8322
Mailing Address:
28 Baker Terrace
Marshfield, MA 02050